About 50% of our puppies go to repeat or referral clients, and that is the best possible review. We have multiple clients with 4+ dogs from us and that says it all.
We always love to hear how our BonBons are doing in their new homes, send us a quick note and an updated photo so I can add you to this page!
Here are a few of our favorites:

Christy, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing Clover into our lives. After the tragic loss of our beloved London, we never imagined we would ever become parents to a furry baby again, but after your kind consideration and loving commitment you found us our perfect match in Clover. I want the world to know what an incredibly dedicated professional Chihuahua breeder/advocate you are. Honestly, you’re not about the “sale” but rather about matching the perfect families to the right pup. You’re more of an adoption service than breeder. You’ve transformed our lives with more love and laughter than you will ever know in Clover. He’s already jetted around the country in his seven months of life and melted the hearts of some of our most famous celebrity clients to whom I enthusiastically gave your name and number to. Clover is our new official Too Faced Cosmetics mascot and has his own signature lipgloss shade in the works, to which you will be given a lifetime supply! Thank you again for your incredible kindness and endless patience. Jeremy and I are so grateful for the love and joy you’ve brought back into our lives. Clover is our baby, and without you we wouldn’t have our family; so thank you Christy & Bon Bon Chihuahuas. You’re apart of our family now. More pictures of Clover and his fabulous adventures to come!
Thanks Again, Jerrod Blandino
Founder/Creative Director Too Faced Cosmetics
Want to know what Clover is up to now?

Follow Clover on Instagram at @clovertheexplorer

2020 was a battlefield year. After losing my 18 year old dog Lucky in March and the sloppy state of the world, there wasn’t much to look forward to. In the summer, I knew I was ready for another dog but the idea of shelter interviews and potty training wasn’t something I thought I could handle. I also knew I wanted a full bred chihuahua that actually looked like a chihuahua, that also came from an ethical breeder. I had heard of small dogs being litter pan trained and as I was searching how to litter pan train a chihuahua the bonbon site popped up. I knew the second I saw a photo of my baby Vivienne (Dawn) that we were meant to be. I contacted Christy and she spent almost an hour on the phone with me. She explained that she needs to vet potential adoptive parents, to make sure her babies are going to the best possible home. When she found out my dog had just passed a few months before, she asked if I was really ready for a dog. She even suggested I take a night or two to think about it to make sure I was absolutely 100% ready for the commitment. This is a breeder who cares about her babies, not about the sale! Because my work schedule is so hectic, I needed a breeder who could bring the puppy to me. I also knew that I could not support a breeder who places puppies in the cargo hold of the plane. Every bonbon flies on the lap of either Christy or her dog nanny. Christy is personable and knowledgeable. Even after she delivers your baby, she remains accessible 24/7 for the first week just in case you have a question or concern. I’ve even reached out to her with chihuahua questions over the past few months and she’s always happy to answer.
Christy – Thank you for letting me be Vivienne’s mama! She is the sunshine to my day every day. I’m also so excited that I never have to walk a dog in the rain or snow ever again!
You can keep up with all of “Vivi” Vivienne’s antics on Instagram @xoxovivalavivi

Thank you so much for our Henry- we are in love! We never knew that we could love a dog so much! We are amazed at how well behaved, sweet, loving and smart he is. Litter box training has been wonderful as we are able to walk him, but we don’t have to go out if it is raining (we live in Seattle and it rains a lot!) We take Henry everywhere we go and people stop us to tell us how cute he is. He is such a doll- so amazing! We hope to get a second Bon-Bon in the future! Thank you for answering all of our questions and for giving us our “baby.”
Alex and Sarah PS I would really like to try to purchase a girl from you before you go on a break! We love our BonBon baby!

Just a quick BonBon Chihuahua Review for you: My experience with Bon Bon Chihuahua’s was beyond wonderful. I found the APPLE of my eye. My baby “Juicy” is the most wonderful doggy I could have ever hoped for. I looked at hundreds of puppies until I came across a photo of Juicy! That was it, I was SOLD. She had the exact look I wanted, which was perfect! Juicy and I are having a love affair with one another. She follows Mommy everywhere and gives me so much love. She has the best personality ever! I can’t walk down the street or go anywhere without being stopped by everyone asking about her. She is like a little Celebrity. I know I could not have found a better pup than my little one. So much thanks to Christy at Bon Bon Chihuahua’s for such a prize!
Huntington Beach, Ca

Bryan and I wanted to take a minute to THANK YOU for all that you have done! You not only helped us add two new members to our family, but you were a delight through the process! It is so refreshing to find a breeder who truly cares about each and every one of their dogs, and all of the puppies that leave their home. I could tell it was hard to let Ava and Alvin go, but they have adjusted very well! You can definitely tell you were raising them right, with LOTS of love!! lol They have such good people skills, and everyone just falls in love the moment they meet them! It is hard to imagine our life before these two little cuties came in to it! It was truly a pleasure to meet you, your husband, and your gorgeous dogs! I just want to let you, and everyone else, know how great our experience was with BonBon Chihuahuas! I can’t wait to keep in touch…and I can guarantee that if/when we decide to add another little chihuahua to our family, you are the first person we will be going to! Thanks again, and “HEY” from all the gang!
Jessica, Bryan, Pebbles, Oliver, Hazel, Ava (the black and tan longcoat), & Alvin (fawn smoothcoat with the white stripe)!
Groves, Tx.

They are beyond amazing!. They have the most delightful personalities and they are so sweet and playful and we enjoy them so much. I met my now husband only a few months after getting them and he has been smitten with them. He jokes that they are the reason we got married!
I’ve attached a couple of pictures I just pulled of my iphone. I named them Maverick and Julep. They are inseparable. Maverick loves to jump around — he can jump several feet in the air. Julep loves to play in water — when we water the plants she chases the hose around endlessly.
Maverick’s face looks so much like his dad Ringo. I get a kick out of it. Such cuties!
Thanks so much!

Hi! We just bought a puppy from you last October! We love him so much and were thinking he may need a friend. One of my favorite things is his great he is with children. He’s been a hit in the tasting room too!
Thanks again!
Ashley Cohn
Cohn Winery

2015 update after the addition of a 2nd BonBon to their family:
HI Christy!
They are doing so good and they love each other. My daughter renamed Spruce, Charmer, and he is getting long hair and changed to a lighter tan color! They will also be featured in Wine Dogs USA book, I’ll have to send you a copy when we get it early 2016. Thanks again for all your help we love our BonBons!

So this is my BonBon Chihuahua review… has been long overdue, I’m so sorry I haven’t sent this before now. Can you believe my boy is 1? I wanted to say thank you so much for being so wonderful! When you say 24/7 breeder support, you actually mean it! Even after all this time, you’re always there to answer my questions. Maverick (Edward) is still such a joy. His personality and temperament are amazing, and his coat has come in just gorgeous! We get so many compliments wherever we go, he’s definitely a show stopper. I’m so glad I found Maverick, and you! Thank you again for being such a wonderful breeder! I’m so proud I have a BonBon’s Chihuahua!
Diedra (Dee) MacLeod

When I contacted you about surprising my girlfriend with her dream puppy, I was very nervous. You made everything so easy, and you wouldn’t believe how many “brownie points”, as you called them, I got. Turns out, she loved that I surprised her with little Owen while she was at work. Great idea, thanks again. So many of her coworkers were in love with him, I’m sure you’ll be hearing from them too. He loves to go for walks through Central Park, and he flirts with all the girl pups there.
Manhattan, NY

I am thrilled and beyond satisfied. It shows how much u care about ur pups and want to find them the perfect homes. U gave me step by step instructions n made urself available at anytime. But most importantly u deliver the goods! I was nervous picking her up from the airport but as soon as I saw her I was in love. My sweet Sophie (your Mazie) is so tiny so gorgeous so sweet so perfect I have never fallen in love with a puppy so fast. Greatest disposition u obviously give them love and quality time before u send them off. U were wonderful to deal with and u truly have the best puppies. Now my friend and I both have micro tcups from u and they just steal the spotlight wherever they go. This is my first chi and I am hooked. Thank u thank u thank u! U made me a very happy girl!
Amanda Carrier

Dear Christy-
Thank you so much for Nex. We are toooo happy with our amazing little boy. We enjoyed visiting the puppies as they grew and were so excited when it came time to bring home our new baby “bat”?! After a lifetime of spotted dogs, a chocolate chi was a bold change for us. He immediately earned his ‘spot’ in our hearts though! He tickles our toes, licks our faces and has so much love to give. And, thanks to you, he came fully loaded with a wonderfully outgoing, inquisitive and friendly personality. We can’t wait to bring home another. We’re thinking a “couple” might be cute so we may go for a girl this next time. She’s got to be spotted though! Thanks for furthering the spotted chis of the world… go get ‘em Ringo and ChooChoo. “Everybody needs their own spot!”
Molly & Cliff
Bellaire, TX

Todd and I just wanted to send you an image of “Khloe” from Valentines Day! We are so in love with her. She is smart, sweet and very loving. Her training is going great and she has been a wonderful addition to our family. You bred an amazing little puppy that we are honored to call ours now! Know that if we ever decide to “extend” our Chihuahua family you will be the first one we call!
With gratitude,
Kelli Kickerillo
update: “Christy…
We wanted to share this photo with you of Khloe (your Tabitha). She is 2 weeks away from being one year old and doing so great!”

Hi Christy!
I wanted you to know that Rambo, (his new name) and he comes to it! Is doing awesome!!!! He and Killer are best buddies! He is already very attached to me, follows me everywhere! lol And what a cuddler! He such a great little guy!!!
I wanted you to see that they are getting along great! Thanks so much.
Deb P.

2018 update after adding a 2nd BonBon: Thank you so much, Waffles is so precious. She’s been so good and she is so tiny! She has used her pee pad and peed and pooped already. Thank you for working with your pups and training them to use pee pads. Rambo was the same way – ZERO ACCIDENTS FROM DAY ONE. It’s hilarious to watch her run after the big cat. I absolutely love her, she is so spunky and quite the Diva. She makes me laugh.

2019 update after adding a 3rd BonBon: Pancake is here and he is so precious, so cute. He and Waffles have been playing so much. Fast friends already, they play non stop.

Hi Christy! Just thought you might enjoy a couple of pics of “Bear” (he
just seemed like a Bear to us so that’s what we’ve ended up calling him).
The Bengal cat you see in the photos is Tigger, our 20 lb cat. After
several days of Bear chasing Tigg all over the house (hilarious), they
have finally figured each other out and are becoming the best of friends.
We’ve also decided that Bear must somehow be related to Snoopy (the little
dog who sleeps on top of the dog house on Charlie Brown) because he loves
nothing more than to climb up on top of his “house” and sit or lie there
for hours. Of course, he can’t get down on his own, so when it gets old
he cries until someone rescues him. Such a cutie! And thank you SO MUCH for the litter box training. It has been a blessing not to have to take him outside in the middle of the night. Of course, now he doesn’t even wake up in the middle of the night….sleeps straight through until Rodney gets up at 5:30 in the morning.
Thanks again for sharing him with us.
Debbie Schlather

Christy, just a quick note to say thank you for all that you did to help us choose the perfect puppy. He is the cutest, most cuddly little guy we have ever met. He has already added so much joy to our home. You were wonderful to work with, start to finish. This has been such a wonderful experience! Thanks so much, we will keep in touch.
June Newman
After this wonderful review of BonBon Chihuahuas, June is now looking to add a 2nd BonBon to her family!

Anastasia is doing great! She’s following us around like a little duckling and also absolutely loves our other half-chihuahua, Henry! She is a sassy little girl and is already the queen of the castle 😉 She is so curious and loves to play. She’s also so smart and already learned how to go up and down the puppy stairs for our tall bed! Everyone who has met her says she’s the prettiest dog they’ve ever seen. She definitely looks like a little toy come to life. I am so in love with this baby girl and I can’t thank you enough for this little angel!
Houston, Tx

Hi there!! Our baby Moon is doing great !!! I love her so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ She is quite spoiled, lol sleeping with us every night and cuddling. She is such a joy. Thank you so much for everything, you were absolutely wonderful. We had no problem entering Canada. I had to send you a BonBon Chihuahua Review! All of the paperwork was perfect!! I will send you an up-to-date photo of her in a few months when she grows!!
Sherril & Payton xo
See what Moon is up to these days on Instagram @Moon_thechihuahua

I wanted to thank you for sending Dobbie to us. He is such a treat and delight for us. We were not expecting to get another chihuahua, but since we lost Sammy (our beloved little chi who was 6 after an unexpected accident) we found BonBon on the internet and saw Dobbie ( was Cole). We contacted Christy and she was a tremendous help in answering all our questions. She was very patient with us, because we had so many questions since we were still in shock from losing Sammy. We have another Chi named Sadie and she was the one really suffering after the loss of Sammy, her constant companion from the day we got her. Dobbie has been a great little pal for her. They chase each other, cuddle together and she is now back to being a happy little girl. Dobbie has been so easy to train and I was a little concerned since I hadn’t had a puppy for six years. He has only had 2 accidents since we got him 3 weeks ago, and that was because I didn’t pay attention to his cue to be let out. He knows his name sleeps and holds it through the night and my husband and myself really love this little guy.
If I were ever to get another chi it would most definitely come from Christy. You have raised a great little guy and he has lived not only up to our expectations but way beyond.
You have raised a great little guy and he has lived not only up to our expectations but way beyond. Thank you for all your help, caring and understanding in choosing little Dobby.
Laya Rosenthal
2020 UPDATE:

This is our sweet Mazie napping with her toy after her busy morning.
She has the sweetest and the cutest personality.
She raises the best chihuahuas with wonderful character traits.
Smart, loving and so sweet.
Christy is the ONLY chihuahua breeder I would ever buy from.
Christy is always available for any questions, and I always have plenty, any time of the day and very prompt in getting back to me.
I am grateful not only for her help, but also for amazing puppies!!!
I can’t wait to meet our newest addition to our family sometime in August.
Little Eve, this till be our 4th chihuahua from Christy.
Thanks Christy!
You are the best!!!!
Laya Rosenthal
Good Morning,
I just wanted to give you an update and review on our little Gizmo. He is settling in so nicely, he fits into our family perfectly, with his furry brothers and the girls, everyone is in love, thank you so much for bringing him to our family. He is happy and healthy and loving life! He has come to dinner with us at an outdoor restaurant and laid happily on my lap the whole time, and much to my husbands delight, he is a natural on the skateboard, LOL. As you can see he is never far from me, LOL, he will be going with us in less than two weeks to the outerbanks, I can not wait to see his reaction to the beach for the first time! I brought him to the vet on Monday for his first checkup and he did beautifully! He weighed 1.4lbs, and I just weighed him this morning and he is up to 29.oz. We can’t thank you enough for bringing us so much joy, we are looking forward to watching him grow up in our family! Have a great weekend!
Hi Christy!
I just had the thought that I should update you on the puppies. Everyone is happy and healthy and the whole pack is in love with each other. It took a few weeks to adjust, but we’re all good now.
Midge (Pandora) is such a sweet and gentle little girl, but she’s got a ton of spunk and doesn’t let any of the big kids push her around. She makes the best noises and is super cuddly. Lenny (Apollo, I think?) is ALL boy. We probably should have named him Tank, or Bruiser, or something like that. He’s so happy and sweet and just full of love for life.
Both of them are curious and ridiculously fluffy and they both LOVED playing in the snow this week – their Russian heritage was really evident, compared to our other two, who do not have undercoats and didn’t want to spend any time outside.
Thought I’d include some photos… ☺️